The most flexible and complete Joomla! component generator, builder or creator!
Within minutes have your fully working (administrator and front end) component, plugins and modules created and zipped ready for install on Joomla! 3.x!
There are no limits - you can define as many components, tables and fields as you want and generate components as often as you want.
Open Source
Component Architect (both the free and Pro versions), our code templates and generated components are fully Open Source (GPL 3.0).
Only generate the features and functionality that you need for your components, just by clicking a series of selections for each table.
Full administrator and front end functionality can be generated - including blog, list, view and edit views in the front end. Even plugins, modules and help files can be selected to be generated to complete your component.
Easy to Use
Get started straight after install - use the Component Wizard to quickly define your first component. Then select the functionality you want, add some fields and generate - your installable component will be ready to test.
What is displayed in the front end views is controlled by a set of global, menu item and/or record level parameters - not set at generation time. So the end user of your component can select what is shown on their websites!
Standards Based
Our code templates are based on the core Joomla! components, so all are compliant with the full MVC structure and Joomla! standards.
Code templates can be created, modified and extended to meet many different requirements.
To best see the power of Component Architect and our code templates visit our Demo site to try our sample generated components.